Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Justice's 1st's

Justice has been sick. He got his first ever ear infection & required his first ever antibiotics. It started Friday with his ear hurting (he had a cold most of the week prior) then the fever came over the weekend. I have not seen a cold knock him down in a long time. He continued to complain of an earache through Tuesday but was acting like himself. I sent him to school thinking he was better. Went to work and got a call at 10:30. His ear still hurt & he had a 100.03 temp.

I took him to the corner clinic in the Wallgreens, (didn't want to drive all the way to his ped. doc when we knew what was wrong) And the nurse pract. checked him out, said both ears were infected & he burst his left ear drum. At this point I officially feel like a bad mom. He was such a good boy when she was checking him out (once the Tylenol kicked in) She said it was ok that the drum burst, that some docs wait until that happens because it helps drain the ear. It sounds bad to me. She prescribed Amox, and an ear drop med for the left ear and other ear drops for pain. We call them boo boo drops, they make the owie stop.

He hates getting his drops, says it hurts. I drew a picture of his ear & drum and explained what happened as best I knew & in a way he would understand. He was very interested & said he understood & would take his drops now. Then later, he said my ear drum is better & the guitar is broke now. And I think he said something about a trumpet in there too. He is such a good boy, he even kept the cotton in his ear & if it fell out he put it back in. He wants the drum to get fixed. Aren't 5 year olds cute.

As for school, he has adjusted just fine. It was a big change for him & I think he just needed some time to find his place in the class. He also asked for a lunch box so he could bring a lunch & not get hot lunch. A while back I bought him a Diego lunch box & he is very happy with it & not having to wait in the lunch line. Plus I put his favorites in there.

Today he will be joining me & Jordan to Chicago. I told the school I would keep him home today since he was still so sick & decided to just take him with me. My mom is coming with also to help (we don't have a nurse today) I think I may have to ask her to drive since I didn't have a nurse last night either & Jordan kept me up. It's going to be a long day.